Monday, May 20, 2024


 Last week was full, overflowing, and exhausting, but I survived my guild's quilt show.  I am the treasure for our guild and quilt shows are not only filled with just setting up and taking down all that it involves with putting on a two day show, but I have all the finances to manage as well.  I think if I had one of those watches that counts the amount of steps you take each day, I would have registered at least 30,000 or more each of the 2 days of set up preparations, the 2 days show and the take down.

I spent a several months working on items for the show's boutique.  We spent almost an entire day setting the boutique up.  I was a great success.  

My two favorite quilts displayed by our two guild featured quilters.

Of course there is also vendors for shopping.  Lynn Wilder was our guest celebrity.  I could not resist one of her appliqué patterns and 2 fat quarter bundles.
And these three yards from another vendor.

Linky Parties on the Side Bar


  1. Congratulations, it looks like it was a successful show! Now you can rest and enjoy your beautiful new fabrics! I can see a very pretty light blue ;)

  2. Being guild treasurer is a big job! I’ve done it. One of my guilds has a separate treasurer, and a separate checking account, for their annual quilt show. A while after the show, when all the late-arriving expenses have been paid, the profit from the show is transferred to the main guild account, leaving some seed money for the next show. Dot in NC

  3. Quilt shows are a lot of fun, but they are also a lot of work. Hopefully, your Guild did well.

  4. So glad you had a successful Quilt Show. I know you have been preparing for quite awhile, so glad your show was so profitable for your guild.

  5. ooh i do like that top bundle a whole lot....very nice acquisitions!

  6. Our guild show was not as large but sucessful . My first full on involvement with a show and I enjoyed the experience.

  7. Because of the work and the aging guild members,,,and rising costs of the building, we no longer do quilt shows. I sure miss them and need to find some to attend out of town.

  8. Those quilt shows are SO MUCH work, but so enjoyable. I'm so glad your show was a success. Beautiful quilts by your featured quilters. Our guild does a show in odd years, and a bus trip shop hop in even years.

  9. Quilt shows are a lot of work for those setting up everything! I'm glad it was a success. Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!

  10. Congratulations on a successful guild show. Your guild is fortunate to have you take on the roll of treasurer AND be a major donor of boutique items.

  11. Love that pumpkin pattern! I don't think I've ever seen her patterns in the local shops.

  12. It was such an honor to be the featured artist at your quilt show last weekend. Gail and I enjoyed meeting everyone and seeing the beautiful quilts on display. Enjoy your fabric bundles and some free time to quilt now that another successful show is in 'the books'. Take care, Lynn

  13. I follow Lynn Wilder on her blog and knew that she & her sister were headed to a show to vend. Looks like you scored with your purchases. I like the quilts you showed from the show too.

  14. Congratulations DonnaLee for surviving the Quilt Show. It’s good to read you managed some fun as well as work! The additions to your stash are lovely and the photos make your show very inviting! Thank you for linking with ToDo Tuesday. I hope you managed some rest this week as well as having fun creating! 😉 Carol

  15. I know how much work these quilt shows can be. Congratulations on a great show. Those featured quilts are wonderful! Looks like you picked up some nice things. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  16. Congrats on a successful show!!! It looks like it was super fun!!! And some fun fabrics as souvenir, too!!!
