Sunday, May 26, 2024


My guild's quilt show is over, and as treasurer I spent almost all of last week on the computer finalizing the income and trying to gather up all the reimbursements for expenses.  Still working on that.  But finally almost a week after the show ended I am back in the sewing room working on my most recent project for my charity group. 

Lucky Cow Girl is finished.  Off this week to the charity group to quilt and then possibly back to me to bind.  It was a fun project except I did end up making the dark two hats in the right top and left bottom corners over.  I got both finished and realized the hat band was placed in the wrong position.  I spending several minutes fuming about it, but  decided I could not live with the mistake and remade them, had plenty of fabric so I forged ahead and finally finished the quilt top.
Scrap quilt #5 is also finished and ready to take to the charity group.  One more in progress and all the piles of 2-1/2" strips are gone.  Time for me to get back to my smaller appliqué project.  Plus our daughter is coming out from Colorado for a visit and more quilting lessons, some fun shopping and family gathering for one of our grandson's high school graduation.

Our little dog Zoey is relieved to have all the quilt show activity over.  All the hustle and bustle is over we can all relax and spend some quality time on the sofa lounging.     

Linky Parties on the Side Bar


  1. Both finished tops are lovely, well done for finishing them at the same time as completing the guild's accounts. Enjoy a good rest on the sofa with Zoey ;)

  2. Lucky Cowgirl turned out really cute. And yeah for making a dent in the scraps. Hope you get in much more stitching time this week.

  3. Yay for a good quilt event! I bet Zoey has lots of fun things planned for your time this week. And it looks like napping is one of her favs. LOL

  4. Glad to hear you are back at the sewing machine. That cowgirl quilt is fantastic. Zoey is so cute!

  5. The Lucky Cowgirl quilt is so adorable!

  6. Your cowgirl quilt came out really cute!! I like the scrappy quilt too, I like how you have various contrasting materials but still in same color family. I might have to copy that idea !! Glad life has slowed down and you and Zoey can relax until next week!!

  7. Zoey has been very patient and now wants gime with you! Such a cutie.

  8. The quilts are so beautiful and so is Zoey. What a cutie pie.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to Zoey. ♥

  9. I have nothing but admiration for those who quilt. I used to do needlework, and that took much patience; but quilting seemed much harder. Zoey is such a sweetheart.

  10. Zoey sure looks like she knows how to relax! I'm so happy the quilt show went well and that you are back to your own sewing. Love these two charity quilts! So pretty. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  11. Both quilts are very cute! Congrats in the finishes.

  12. We all make mistakes in our quilting from time to time, but dealing with it like you did is the ticket-if we can't live with it the way it is taking time to redo is the best way in the end. Great projects!

  13. Love your cute pink cowboy hats! And I love using up scraps for a donation quilt, too.Someone will just love them! And kudos for working on the quilt show. It does indeed take a lot of work. But they are so much fun to attend.

  14. Both your finishes are lovely, Donnalee! I'm glad your show went well and you are catching up on all the work you have had to do for it! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!

  15. Great finishes! Congrats on a successful show!

  16. Hi Donnalee, well done on the two finishes! I'm sure that you and Zoe are ready for things to get back to normal. I'll be doing the quilt show thing when I get back from our trip. Thanks for linking up!
