It is always nice to finally finish something and move on to something new. I have a habit of having several projects all going at once. Variety is the spice of life, at least in the sewing room for me.
I finished my Spinning Spools runner. Lots of thread changing to match colors to these strips. It is bright, cheery and fun for a summer table. I still have another 12 block finished without the dot wedges. Not sure what I will do with them yet.As is pretty usual for me I started another project, pleated blocks. Seemed like an easy thing to do. However, both my sewing machines gave me fits with these. I have a Bernina 750 and Bernina 480, both wonderful machines. But, I found neither of them liked sewing straight seam lines with the needle moved all the way to the left in order to make the 1/2 inch seams. Lots of breaking thread, shredding thread and skipping stitches. I finally gave up and screwed on an extra plate as a guide and got the job done. Not sure how I will quilt these things, but I do like the project so far now that I solved my thread issues.

I could not help but laugh when I saw the cartoon on the internet of Pre-Rinse Cycle, here is my little Pre-Rinse Cycle, Zoey our 4 month old Yorkshire Terrier puppy, she helps get the dishes into the dishwasher every evening.