Sunday, May 12, 2024


 This past week had me busy for sure.  I spent a good part of Monday with a group of us pricing a huge amount of items both quilted items and a lot of donated fabric for our guild's quilt show on the 17th and 18th this coming week.  Over this past year several families have donated family members quilt stashes after they passed away.  Like so many of us several of the families found enormous fabric stashes of really lovely fabric.  Every thing was measured and cut by us into every thing from 1 yard pieces up to even 8 yards.  We priced most at $6.00 per yard.  

An update on my Lucky Cowgirl project.  I have 5 blocks of the 9 done.  The fabric in this kit is so much fun to use.  

The hats were a bit of a puzzle in the beginning.  The pattern called for embroidery of the lines to create the bill of the hat and the crease on the top.  I do not do embroidery, so ended up using 12wt thread and a triple stitch on my machine.  Worked out really well.  

I came home with two huge bags of fabric from the donated fabric we priced for the quilt show.  With what we do not sell at the show and what we just had no time to prepare for the show we are using for charity quilts.  One group we work with makes twin beds with mattresses for foster families when they do not have a bed for the child they just took in.  We make a quilt to go with the beds.  My job is just to cut 9 1/2 inch squares, yes 63 of them and a binding.  I cut and give them to another lady that sews them together and they move on to quilting and binding by others.  I spent an afternoon cutting these three.  Lots more to come.  

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  1. You did really great with both hats, the machine stitch looks like the perfect solution. The purple fabrics are lovely, you are going to be busy these next days cutting all these squares and bindings!
    Thank you for sharing, I love the cats on the written memos ;)

  2. The hats are so cute. Some little girl is going to be thrilled with that quilt. Your process of working with donation projects is so efficient. No one gets stuck doing all of the work.

  3. I think the stitching looks great on the hats! And what lovely combos for the charity quilting.

  4. Those cowboy hats came out beautifully. It's a fun project to watch come together. You've picked some fun fabrics for the donation quilts. You definitely had a busy week.

  5. What a fun looking quilt the cowboy hats will be! Kudos to you for taking those donated stashes and getting them into places where they will be used!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  6. I love that you split up the work of making charity quilts. I think that must keep it fun! Your Lucky Cowgirl quilt is so cute! Since applique is your forte I think the mixup with the kit was meant to be. The quilt is going to turn out wonderfully. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  7. Love the cowboy hats.

  8. its looking great!!!
    and wow - I worry about that with all my fabric - but I am so glad you all can make use of it!

  9. Hi Donnalee, you did a great job with the cowgirl hat - very cute :-) That's a lot of work. I'm glad that you show and sale went well. Thanks for linking up to Free Motion Mavericks.

  10. The hats are adorable and I love the fabric. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.
