Sunday, July 14, 2024


My past week has been a rather eventful week and some of them not very good ones.  More on those later.  I have made some good progress on Morning Flight.

I have a good start on row 2.  At least I thought I had things going well.

The first two blocks on the left are perfect and the right side blocked looked really good too.
However on a closer look I realized that the fabric is upside down.  Oh dear, I spent some time trying to talk myself into saying that is OK.  Well that did not work well.  I have to remake it and I do not have enough fabric in the kit for a new background.  I spent some time and have found a fat quarter bundle of Eclectic Elements by Tim Holtz from an Etsy site.

The real bummer this week is my left foot.  I was sitting at the computer for a good length of time working on finalizing my guild's quilt show finances.  I had my left leg crossed and my foot was numb, when I jumped up to grab something across the room I stepped on the left side of my foot and rolled the foot to the side.  Well I jumped around for a few minutes, ouch ouch and all seemed to be OK.  For a few days it was sore and bruised, but as a few more days went on was really hurting me.  By Monday this past week I hauled myself into the doctor and then X-rays.  I had fractured the bone in a nice Z pattern from just above my left little toe all the way up the bone.  Fortunately walking around on it for 6 days did not displace it.  I am in this contraption for six weeks. It weighs a ton, and I cannot drive, husband is very nice about being taxi service for me.  There is only one plus in all this, I can still sew!

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  1. Ouch! I hope your foot heals up quickly! Your appliqué is beautiful! Gail at the cozy quilter.

  2. It's good your husband is willing to be the chauffeur. Does he run into the stores and do the shopping also? So glad you can still sew!

  3. Your blocks are beautiful, even with the fabric upside down, I hadn't noticed at first ;) Ouch for your foot, hopefully you will be able to sew these next 6 weeks... Take care.

  4. I'm so sorry that happened to your foot! A good reminder to us all not to sit too long with legs crossed - I tend to do that, too. Your applique blocks are so pretty with those flowers against the text print background. I'm so glad you found a way to fix what you were unhappy with!

  5. I'm so sorry about your left leg. Bless your husband for taxi service and wonderful news you are still able to stitch! I wouldn't have noticed that the writing was upside down; but, I understand how knowing it was an error would bug you. I'm glad you were able to come up with a way to remake the block.--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  6. Ouch, that sounds painful and those boots are difficult at the best. Heal well.

  7. Oh no - a broken foot is no fun at all. Hopefully it will heal quickly, with no more pain. Your applique blocks are always beautiful.

  8. Oh dear, so sorry to read about your foot fractures. Guess your boot will keep you grounded for a while, butvas younsay, there is always stitching to sit and do. Take care and rest up.

  9. Beautiful work as always, but yikes on the fracture. Six weeks in the summer is a bummer having to wear that, but you're most lucky you didn't injure it more. Heal up soon.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Healing hugs. ♥

  10. Yes ouch ouch ouchie. Hope all going well and no surgery needed.
    Found your post at Comedy Plus - Wordless Wednesday. My entries this week are numbered #49+50
    Please join and share your posts with us

  11. I am glad you can still sew to pass the time while it heals. So sorry it happened. I love your applique:)

  12. Oh no! So very sorry about your foot. So lucky that you can still sew! Love Morning Flight and I don't think I would have redone anything but I'm so glad you found fabrics so you can if you want to. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
