Sunday, June 23, 2024


I should be working on my appliqué project this past week, but I have two pieced projects that have pieces laid all over the sewing room and there is no room to really do anything, but get them together and off my to do list.  

The three blocks above are made with this Marco Polo pattern.  I purchased the pattern and fabric as a kit a couple years ago.  Not sure why I did, and wonder what was going on in my mind when I did.  I will admit I can manage to get the blocks together easily and the center comes to gather very well and is flat.  However, this project is definitely not my cup of tea for sure.  I have 20 blocks done, and 25 is the goal and I will be putting a lattice between the blocks.  Sewing those blocks together without one would be a nightmare as far as I am concerned.  I have enough extra fabric from the kit to cut a small outside border and a binding.  I will have it quilted and depending how great it looks in the end it will get a home either for my charity group or give as a gift.  The pattern goes on the free table at the next guild meeting and I am DONE with it.
On a happier note I have 35 butterfly blocks done and the first two rows joined together at the top.
I have joined them with a 1" finished lattice.  Very pleased with them.  Purely a scrap project and it will go to my chairty group for quilting and binding.

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  1. Love the butterfly 🦋 blocks. I can see that Marco Polo would be a challenge with all those points. If you are avoiding that pattern, it must be challenging, you are the master of points.1

  2. Love your Marco Polo. I assume it must be paper pieced???? But the colors are really soothing and lovely and remind me of water. Here's to the last 5 blocks and finishing. Can't wait to see it. I bet it will accentuate the block itself rather than the secondary pattern from putting it together.

  3. Great blocks all of them, love the Marco Polo blocks!

  4. I think your Marco Polo blocks are wonderful. I am sorry you didn't like the pattern. Those butterfly fabrics are so pretty.

  5. I really do love your butterflies--so pretty... nice work hugs, Julierose

  6. The Marco Polo pattern looks so involved with so many seams and points not to cut off! Keep at it so you can get it out of your space!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  7. You are being very diligent about finishing off Marco Polo, it's hard when you aren't thrilled with the fabric. The butterflies look great, very summery.

  8. two very pretty projects...yes i try to keep the projects in progress at a minimum but every so often have to just concentrate on them to get them off...

  9. I like the butterflies a lot... love the scrappiness and regularity. I might have to make one for my side of the bed, when I can rotary cut again... LeeAnna

  10. It is amazing what one can accomplish when we set our minds to it. Good luck with Matxo Polo. Love the scrappy butterflies. Thanks for sharing in my Sew and Tell party.

  11. It's a beautiful design and fabrics, and will be a really beautiful quilt. But I don't think those blocks would be my cup of tea either. I've given away a few patterns at guild as well, knowing once was enough.

  12. Love your blocks! I'm sorry you aren't fond of Marco Polo because I think it's going to look great. Good to get past it though and to pass the pattern on if it's not your thing. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  13. Loving your 'marco polo' blocks... if I lived closer, I would happily take them off your hands / do a swap :). Never mind, good on you for preserving and getting them all finished.

  14. DonnaLee I love seeing both projects you’ve got on the go right now. Marco Polo is so pretty but I can say I just might be tempted to do sashing as well with those many seams coming together in one spot. The butterflies are so cute and will make a lovely, happy charity quilt. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. 😉 Carol

  15. Love the Marco Polo pattern! Will be interesting to see it with sashing.

  16. Glad the Marco Polo is almost off of the "to do" list. It might not be your favorite to work on, but it is beautiful to look at. Think of how good it will feel to pass that pattern along to someone else!

  17. Excellent idea to add a lattice between the lattice blocks so you don't have to obsess over matching the patches. It would be one thing if you loved this quilt, but clearly you aren't feeling. I do like the secondary design the pattern makes, though. Can see what might have inspired the purchase at the time.

  18. Marco Polo looks very pretty, but yes, a lot of points to match! The butterflies are lovely.
