Sunday, August 20, 2023


This week has been very busy.  Last year we completely redid our front yard with drought landscaping.  When the water bill started looking like the national debt we took advantage of our city's rebate program and removed our lawn and replaced with rock.  Unfortunately our birch tree due to the removal of some large roots to replace the front walkway did not survive.  

One morning I heard the sound of the chain saw and husband was out there taking it down.  It took us a couple of days.  Early mornings were cool enough to work on it but by 10 or 11am when it is 90 degrees we both headed into the house.  Heat stroke will not get things done any faster.

At last by the end of this week we have the area all ready for the delivery on Wednesday of a large 30 by 40 inch lava rock that is about 3 feet high to replace the tree.  We did consider another tree but as we have two very large trees on the side yard we figured enough was enough.  Also we do not have to water rocks. 

The split rail fence quilt top is done.  I am pretty pleased with it.  The  original idea for it was to give it to my charity group but the more I look at it the more I like it.  Thinking now I might quilt it myself and give it as a gift some time. 
While doing all the table toppers for our quilt show's boutique I thought that the pattern was perfect for placemats too.  I just adjusted the size down to  placemat size and  they come out at 14 by 16, a perfect size for our dining table, two done and the other two ready to quilt and finish.  I use placemats for all our meals and wash them constantly so some new ones were needed.

I must admit that wandering into JoAnn's and seeing all of their fall fabrics on sale at 40% off, did give me incentive to make some new placemats for myself.  Over this past year or so I have found JoAnn's has made a real improvement of their fabric's quality.  I just could not resist.  

                    Linky Parties on the Side Bar 





  1. Fall is creeping up on us and you are ready to start a fall project. Pretty quilt top too. Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  2. What a great idea for your front yard, sorry the tree did not survive, but the landscaping rock sounds fantastic. If you think about it, please post a photo when you get it. We had a sprinkler system installed when we moved in, because that is what we had always had in Houston. Last summer's water bill was insane, so this year we are only watering the beds, and mostly by hand during our heat wave. I'm going to broach the subject of the drought garden with Hubs, but he is a BIG-time green lawn guy who loves to get on his riding mower - lol! The rock you used is really nice, and you're right, you don't have to water rock.
    Your split rail fence top is beautiful! I totally agree with you on Joann's. I stopped buying fabric there about a decade ago but have been pleasantly surprised by their fabric quality since I started going there again two years ago. And their sales are hard to resist.

  3. Beautiful quilt top. I took down my birch trees last year when I took out my lawn. They were over 40 years old and half rotten inside. Love the fall fabrics.

  4. i agree about joanns...i supposed they figured they couldn't keep raising prices without upping the they probably wanted to capture more of the quilting people who go for quality fabrics...nice collection there! cityquilter won't let me sign in

  5. Its always sad to lose a tree, but at least you did give it a second chance when you moved it.

  6. I've found most of JoAnn's fabrics are fine, but I have learned to wash them first. Occasionally they look after after the washing and I'd rather avoid using those.

  7. I think there is new management at JoAnns. I agree some of the fabric is better. I live about a mile and a half from a very nice one. I try to not buy too much fabric... Your rail fence top looks great.

  8. Fall is here. . .I can smell it in the air. I hope you have cooler temperatures soon. There is still maintenance for rocks; but, not needing to water and mow is super nice!! Your rocks look terrific. So much of the country has had high temperatures this year as well as disastrous storms. I like your placemats. You are a clever quilter!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  9. We have a birch in our front yard too, and the landscaper who updated some foundation plantings a few years ago told us they need a LOT of water. We've noticed some stress the past couple of years of drought. It's right outside my office window and has a bird feeder hanging there, so I would miss it terribly. Your placemats turned out great. I've made 4 little mug rugs last week using that same hexie idea.

  10. Lovely Rail fence top, and table toppers! All of them will look pretty into your home. You found some beautiful fabrics, soft colors, I love the swirl dots, and the cute pumpkin prints!
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up ;)

  11. Have you had any push back from your neighbors on your drought landscaping? We've gone with native drought tolerant plants and grasses, but some of our neighbors aren't really happy about it. Very fun table mats. Happy stitching this week.

  12. Love that Rail Fence top! No wonder you can't resist it. Lovely little placemats you're sewing up! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  13. We had a tree removed some years back. We're to old to do it ourselves, but sometimes it needs doing.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  14. Placemats are on my list of things I want to get made

  15. We replaced our lawn and raised bed garden area with 4 different looking stone decades ago. I designed the layout in EQ7. We still get weeds coming up despite having put down landscape cloth underneath. The deer like to walk through the smallest stones, guess it feels good on their hooves.

  16. The colors of your split rail fence quilt are lovely. :) Thanks for sharing in the Sew & Tell party.

  17. Beautiful fall fabrics! I have some of the smaller pumpkin fabric in my stash.

  18. Love the Landscaping - but wow - it is a lot of work!!
    Your Rail fence is a beauty!!!

  19. That rock garden was a lot of work and taking down the dead tree too! Love the rail fence quilt and the placemats!
