Sunday, March 9, 2025


 I finished my wonky block wall hanging this past week.  A fun project using left over fabric from the previous week's pleated quilt top craziness.  I gave the pleated blocks quilt top to my charity group admitting to them it was likely to be one big headache to quilt.  Go figure, they loved it and the group had all sorts of quilting ideas for it. 

Quilting the wonky blocks with a straight line diaginal pattern every two inches seemed like the best way to  handle it.

I put a larger binding on it 3" rather than my usual 2.5".

It was finished off with a hanging sleeve on the back.  I think it will make a nice wall hanging next winter for our entry hall.  I was happy to make good use of the fabrics I really liked so much in the pleated quilt.

After turning in the pleated quilt project in to the group they handed me another charity group project.  This pattern and all the fabric to make it in a bag ready to go.

I have had the project home since Wednesday afternoon so decided to start working on it right away.  Fun project with fun fabrics.  the white fabric does have a light gold yellow floral print in it.  Hard to see here.  Should have this ready to return to them by next month's meeting in April all finished and ready to go to a quilter.

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