Having finished most of my current projects I hauled my smaller Bernina 480 sewing machine off to have a good cleaning. I am ashamed to say time flies and it had not been to the doctor for a good checkup for nearly 5 years. I do vacuum it regularly and oil it, but that really was no excuse, and the technition gave me a well deserved lecture. My Bernina 750 needs to see him now too and fortunately that length of time has not gone by that long.
I got my February Sherri McConnell 2025 Block of the Month completed. I am not sure I am into this project. I may pass these two blocks on to a friend and let her deal with them. I did pull out this project that was started years ago. I love the fabric choices but the blocks are really odd and they have sat in a drawer now for years. However, I decided this past week to get them put together and off my TO DO SOMEDAY LIST. The twisted block construction was odd to say the least. They were a nightmare to sew together and whoever the poor quilter is that has to quilt them I feel sorry for. I have it all bagged up and it is going to my charity group. I plan to slip it into the completed quilt tops stack at our next meeting and hope no one knows it was me.