Sunday, September 1, 2024


This week I am determined to get the second Lucky Cowgirl quilt top done for my charity group.  A couple months ago I finish the first one and was asked to do a second.  Both of these quilts, once the group quilts them and finishes bindings, will go to local agencies as fund raising auction events.  My plan is to get this last one to them at the next meet up on the 18th of this month.  

The four horseshoe blocks are done.  There are two of each pattern.  The original quilt top I made had all four with the same fabrics.  The fabric provided this time required me to change up that plan.  I think I rather like this on better. 
The center block is my favorite.  I love the hat band and got a bit creative with the center star on it.
I have two of the four hats complete.
And I am ready to finish the last 2 hats now.  I have the accent stitching done.  Just need to pull the threads to the back and tie them off and fuse down the band.  Just the final appliqué stitching around the band and hat to go.   
The lattis around the nine blocks ready to join them and the border fabric.  The charity group will decided on a binding, there are several fabric choices for them to make.
The finished top will look pretty much like the pattern.

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  1. OMG!! Cute, cute, cute. This project is wonderful. Love the detail on the hats!

  2. You are making great progress on this project. It is going to be a lovely finish!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  3. Such fun blocks. Those hats are so sweet. Happy stitching this week.

  4. Those cowgirl hats are just so stinkin' cute!

  5. That is just the cutest pattern, and the colors you're working with are perfect.

  6. Beautiful. Love them all. Love the cowgirl colors.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  7. Such a cute quilt! I'm sure it'll raise lots of money for charity. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  8. What's not to love about pink or pink banded cowgirl hats. Your quilt is bound to generate a high volume of ticket sales.

  9. Lovely blocks, you were busy nearly finishing them all. I love that pink paisley fabric for the sashings. Thank you for sharing these cute blocks!

  10. This is SO great!!! I love how it is turning out!

  11. Looks good! The second time through a pattern always goes faster.

  12. This is an awesome quilt, Donnalee! I love those paisley fabrics and the pink flowers cowgirl hat is adorable! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings. Have a great week!

  13. I love the houndstooth and paisley fabric. Cant wait to see it all put together. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.

  14. Hi Donnalee, that is such a cute quilt. You've done a great job with the blocks. Thanks for sharing on Free Motion Mavericks!
