Sunday, June 16, 2024


 I am back to normal life here at home.  I weathered my guild's quilt show last month and all the financial ups and downs of closing the reporting for the guild membership.  My daughter spent 9 days the first week of this month with us and we enjoyed a good deal of family and friends visits and lots of quilting time.  Now I am back to doing something on projects in my sewing room this past week.  

I am back to working on Morning Flight.  I am ready to start the final block on the top row.  After a bit of appliqué thread woes things are going smoothly.  

I have a ways to go on this project for sure.

I can only manage an hour or two of machine appliqué before I reach  
the point of going cross eyed.  I then have to find something simpler to work on for bit.  So I have started this butterfly scrap quilt.  These little guys are fun and go together really quickly.  I'll need 35 of them to have a quilt complete, and every one will be a different fabric for the wings, a bit of a scrap buster.  They will have borders around each one of them in the white dot fabric.

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  1. You had some busy weeks! How nice to spent some time with your daughter, I enjoyed watching her quilting.
    Your appliqué blocks are lovely, and the first butterfly is going to be soon a pretty scrappy quilt!

  2. Quilt shows are sure a lot of work! Enjoy your stitching!

  3. Oh Dear me--I just love that pattern and you are doing a lovely job in the applique--and therefore you got me into trouble--as I had to go looking for this pattern--I have been looking for a good applique pattern for while now--and this one is perfect for me--I just got the pattern--not the kit--so mine won't look like yours--
    Thanks for posting and showing me a great pattern--I love to do needle turn applique and needed a project--
    hugs and happy applique'n--diane

  4. I feel the same way about applique - my patience only lasts for a short time. Then I need to step away and work on something else for awhile. So glad your quilt show was a success and all the hard work it takes is behind you.

  5. Morning Flight is going to be simply gorgeous! I'm so sorry for the thread problems but oh so glad you've sorted them out. That Butterfly quilt is going to be cute. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  6. Happy you had a good quilt show and family visits! I love your butterfly block. I keep looking for one that would be good for RSC.

  7. Lovely applique. You are wise to have another project to play with when you need a break from the applique!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  8. Every little bit of scrap helps, the colorful butterfly quilt will be so fun.

  9. Beautiful applique. The butterfly is fun, they do make a nice project for large scraps.

  10. Your quilt is beautiful and well worth all the work going into it.

  11. It's a treat watching your appliqué project come together. I do understand the need to alternate between appliqué (intense project) and piecing (calming project).

  12. Morning Flight is progressing nicely, and is really lovely.

  13. Love watching Morning Flight come together. Is the butterfly block pattern a freebie?
