Monday, August 10, 2020


 My daughter recently purchased a new bedspread for her bed.  As she has 5 peacocks as pets, what theme could her bedspread possibly be.  However, it did not come with pillowcases or pillow shams.  

So naturally she calls on me to come up with king size pillow shams.  She purchased this fabric on line and it was left to me to make them. She did not want ruffles just very simple pillow coverings.  

When she picked up her pillowcases, she asked if I could put a border on some decorative bath towels to match for her master bathroom.  OK, but we did have a limited amount of fabric left.  The towels she purchased were 30 inches wide and I was scrambling to get sufficient fabric fussy cut to add those borders.  

Well with a bit of additional fabric pieces I just managed to get two 30 inch wide borders done and on the towels.  I really worried about sewing them on to these really thick, fluffy towels, but them sewed on perfectly straight without even one wrinkle.  

And once folded and ready to hang they look perfect.  

One would think after all that going on I would be done with pillowcases, but I received an e-mail from my guild's charity division with a request for pillowcases for children at a local children's hospital.  So many of the pillowcases they get are girlish, so the request was for boy themes.  I had a stash of Star War fabric so pulled these together and have two more cut out to finish this week.  

  This is my daughter with one of her new chickens.  Yes, the silly thing is in her lap sound asleep.  Her husband's sister Sadie brought out five chickens for my daughter to keep along with her flock of over 20.  The chickens had been purchased for Sadie's little boy that has a number of serious medical need.  That little guy cared for the chickens, fed them, cleaned out the coop, and just loved them.  But, a neighbor complained, and even though you can keep chickens in the city, but not roosters, the city said they did not have over 40 feet on all sides around their yard and they had to go.  So they have come out to live with all the other chickens and Elliot can come out any time he wants to visit them.  A real shame when you can see how tame he had them.  The five of them just started laying eggs, so my daughter saves them special just for Elliot to take home. 

Design Wall Monday  

Mid Week Makers 

Confessions of a Fabric Addict  


  1. I love the peacock pattern. I have something similar, just in yellow and greens. Never thought of this, but indeed most of the children's fabrics are girlish. Very little choice in boys stuff.
    This chicken looks adorable. Pity they won't let a boy have a few chickens in town. I can imagine no roosters. My neighbor has chickens and two roosters. They drive me crazy sometimes!

  2. Hi Donnalee! You are a good mom - how sweet of you to make those pillowcases. And towels!! Nice job. I have never seen a chicken being held like that. Elliot did a super great job. What a shame. Someone always has to rain on the parade of someone else. Forty feet. Seriously?!! They were just jealous. If they would have just minded their own business . . . I'm glad Elliot can still get his chicken fill and help out. Thanks for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Oh my goodness -- who knew that chickens were for SNUGGLING?! Such a shame that Elliot's chickens were taken away, but it's nice that they went to a family member so he can still visit them.

  4. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post with us. We just love the beautiful pattern. This is a first for us here to see a chicken asleep on a lap. One of the most cutest things we have ever seen. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  5. Chicken snoozing....cutest thing ever!
    Glad Elliott gets to visit his chicken friends. How silly of those neighbors who could have gotten free range eggs if they were better neighbors! Whats wrong with this world???? Its a ME mentality, not US. Shame

  6. BEST chicken story EVER!!! Well, except for poor Elliot having to send his pets away. :o((
    Nice job on the towel and pillow cases!

  7. The peacock fabric is so pretty and looks great as a border on the towel. I have never seen a chicken sleeping in someone's lap before! That is just too cute.

  8. So nice to read this blog, but feel sad that the little boy had to give up his chickens. But they have come to live in chicken heaven and as you say he can come and visit them often, and gets to take home their eggs!
    Great job on the pillow shams and towels.

  9. oh what a funny thought about the chicken sleeping - your peacocks are so cute

  10. I never knew a chicken would do that, take a nap on someone's lap. Your pillow cases are very pretty. Have you seen the videos for making the Magic Pillow case? Very clever and easy.

  11. I have neighbors like Elliiot's. So glad he had someone who would take the chickens and let him visit.

  12. Sweet story. Peacock bedding -- how fun!

  13. Lovely towels and pillowcases! So perfect for your daughter. Shame about the chickens. He must be heart broken. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  14. That is just adorable and so sad that people have to be that way. Love the peacocks! Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.
