Sunday, March 2, 2025


After last week's pleated quilt issues, I was bummed out that all that pretty fabric was used up only to discover that I actually had a pretty good supply of left overs.  I happened to have a picture of an interesting quilt idea and thought it might be a fun idea for those fabrics.

These wonky blocks on this quilt out of Circle Play by Reynola Pakusich looked interesting.  There was no pattern in the book so I figured to get on the internet and see if I could find some instructions on making some similar blocks. 

Sure enough several YouTube sites offered help making them.  I did learn that while they suggested using 9 fabrics to make 9 blocks, in the future to get a bit more variety I would increase that by at least another 2 or 3 fabrics.  However, I was limited on left over fabrics.
The top is complete and now just to quilt it and get a binding on it.  Again I wish I had a bit more variety, as only using 9 fabrics you get 9 repeats, but it was a fun exercise playing with the idea.  I think it is something I will revisit with more fabric choices.  I should have it quilted this week and bound.

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