Sunday, February 23, 2025


Having finished most of my current projects I hauled my smaller Bernina 480 sewing machine off to have a good cleaning.  I am ashamed to say time flies and it had not been to the doctor for a good checkup for nearly 5 years.  I do vacuum it regularly and oil it, but that really was no excuse, and the technition gave me a well deserved lecture.  My Bernina 750 needs to see him now too and fortunately that length of time has not gone by that long.

I got my February Sherri McConnell 2025 Block of the Month completed.  I am not sure I am into this project.  I may pass these two blocks on to a friend and let her deal with them.  

I did pull out this project that was started years ago.  I love the fabric choices but the blocks are really odd and they have sat in a drawer now for years.  However, I decided this past week to get them put together and off my TO DO SOMEDAY LIST.  

The twisted  block construction was odd to say the least.  They were a nightmare to sew together and whoever the poor quilter is that has to quilt them I feel sorry for.  I have it all bagged up and it is going to my charity group.  I plan to slip it into the completed quilt tops stack at our next meeting and hope no one knows it was me.

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  1. I have pleats like that on a blouse, but I have never seen them on a quilt. Passing it on seems like a good idea!

  2. Your secret is safe with me! If you are not loving the top, it’s good to pass it on to someone who will. Gail at the cozy quilter

  3. Your blocks are lovely! Perhaps the LAQ will simply stitch in the ditch to highlight your blocks. Beautifully done!

  4. Hmm, I haven't brought my machine in for a good cleaning in a long time either, thanks for the reminder! I love the fabrics of the twisted blocks too, but I understand that quilting them is going to be a bit complicated ;) Thank you for sharing, and linking up!

  5. I don't think I've ever seen such pleating in quilt blocks before...what a unique idea and I think yours provide such a beautiful effect. I'm sure someone will love them. My machine is sadly needing a hospital visit too.

  6. I think the twisted blocks are interesting, though I could see why they would be a challenge. I'm not sure of the size, but stitch-in-the-ditch would be where I would start. I hope that whoever gets it is excited. ;) Thanks for sharing in my Sew & Tell party.

  7. It has to feel good to get it off your to do list. I'm not sure how I would quilt that one. At least you don't have to decide that.

  8. The twisted quilt is looking great and I think a simple stitch in the ditch will be fine. Can't wait to see the result after quilting it!

  9. A unique look, but looks difficult to put together or to use.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  10. I've never seen, or heard of pleated blocks

  11. I don't think I've seen pleated blocks before, but they sure have a lovely texture! Someone is going to fall in love with this for sure. I had to smile though at the idea of you sneaking it into the charity box. It really is quite pretty so if you get caught, take pride in a job well done. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  12. I think the pleated blocks are very pretty, but I definitely would not want to quilt that quilt! LOL Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings.

  13. You are too funny! It's a cool top, but I wouldn't want to quilt it either.

  14. Sneaky Pete! Maybe it could get the Serpentine Quilting on the seams and be good to go. I'm doing those Sherri blocks too in the RSC colors. Looking forward to seeing what the March block will be and then what it'll look like in yellow. I did opt out of the quilt and mine will be the smaller table runner. Happy sewing to you!

  15. That pleated block is so pretty, I've not seen anything like it before. I do think passing things on to someone who will use them is a great idea.

  16. I've not seen pleated blocks like this in a quilt. But they made for an interesting texture, and the quilt looks really good.

  17. Hi Donnalee, I'm sure that your machine will be happy with the TLC. Time really does fly! I'm sure that the pleated quilt could just be quilted around the blocks. Take care.
