Sunday, July 21, 2024


 Two years ago I started a project with my granddaughter making some vests for her.  Yes, in July 2022 we finished the first one, and had three more cut out and ready to start putting them together.

Finally this week I determined that it was a project I had to get done.  Laid up with my foot in an air boot due to breaking a bone in the foot has me somewhat more off my feet.  But I can still sew and decided this was a good way to keep me busy.

I just need her to find some time to come over and select buttons and placement of the buttonholes. 
I have my first appliqué block with my William Morris fabric collection started.  I think the pattern I am using is a bit more whimsical than I originally planned, but I am happy with the results.
I am planning to appliqué with invisible thread and using 3/8" vines instead of 1/4" which are easier.
This is the patten sheet for the first 8 blocks of the 18 that will be in the quilt.  However I have increased the size of them a bit and will be playing around more with adding or subtracting some of the pieces on each block too.
I have all sorts of fabric to play with, a huge bin full.  It is looking like a fun project ahead.  

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  1. lovely applique blocks....and indeed lots of pretties to play with

  2. The best turned out beautifully,the applicade blocks look like a lot of fun!

  3. Lovely vests! I love these fun fabrics. Your appliqué block is beautiful, cute little blue bird!
    Thank you for sharing, and take care of your foot.

  4. Love those vests, she picked some very fun fabrics. Hope your foot is healing well, at least you can still sew. Enjoy your new project, the first block looks great.

  5. The vests are so cute! The bug one made me chuckle.

  6. Do hope your foot is improving as it should be and healing well. Your new applique project looks lovely.

  7. What fun vests and what a fortunate granddaughter!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  8. Oh your William Morris project looks fun with whimsical blocks and all that lovely fabric to play with. The vests you've made look very pretty and I'm sure your granddaughter will love wearing them. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  9. Great pattern! You're right, some of the blocks are a little busy. Hope your foot heals quickly.

  10. Are vests back in vogue again? I was making them back in the '90s when they were all the rage in the quilting community. So good to see your granddaughter in one and the two of you working together on this project.

    Those William Morris fabrics will look great in your appliqué project. Looking forward to seeing how you alter the blocks.

  11. Hi Donnalee, those are really cute vests. I'm sure that she'll be happy with them! I love your William Morris fabrics. They are going to make an amazing quilt!

  12. Hope that you heal very very fast!!!!
