Sunday, March 9, 2025


 I finished my wonky block wall hanging this past week.  A fun project using left over fabric from the previous week's pleated quilt top craziness.  I gave the pleated blocks quilt top to my charity group admitting to them it was likely to be one big headache to quilt.  Go figure, they loved it and the group had all sorts of quilting ideas for it. 

Quilting the wonky blocks with a straight line diaginal pattern every two inches seemed like the best way to  handle it.

I put a larger binding on it 3" rather than my usual 2.5".

It was finished off with a hanging sleeve on the back.  I think it will make a nice wall hanging next winter for our entry hall.  I was happy to make good use of the fabrics I really liked so much in the pleated quilt.

After turning in the pleated quilt project in to the group they handed me another charity group project.  This pattern and all the fabric to make it in a bag ready to go.

I have had the project home since Wednesday afternoon so decided to start working on it right away.  Fun project with fun fabrics.  the white fabric does have a light gold yellow floral print in it.  Hard to see here.  Should have this ready to return to them by next month's meeting in April all finished and ready to go to a quilter.

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Sunday, March 2, 2025


After last week's pleated quilt issues, I was bummed out that all that pretty fabric was used up only to discover that I actually had a pretty good supply of left overs.  I happened to have a picture of an interesting quilt idea and thought it might be a fun idea for those fabrics.

These wonky blocks on this quilt out of Circle Play by Reynola Pakusich looked interesting.  There was no pattern in the book so I figured to get on the internet and see if I could find some instructions on making some similar blocks. 

Sure enough several YouTube sites offered help making them.  I did learn that while they suggested using 9 fabrics to make 9 blocks, in the future to get a bit more variety I would increase that by at least another 2 or 3 fabrics.  However, I was limited on left over fabrics.
The top is complete and now just to quilt it and get a binding on it.  Again I wish I had a bit more variety, as only using 9 fabrics you get 9 repeats, but it was a fun exercise playing with the idea.  I think it is something I will revisit with more fabric choices.  I should have it quilted this week and bound.

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Sunday, February 23, 2025


Having finished most of my current projects I hauled my smaller Bernina 480 sewing machine off to have a good cleaning.  I am ashamed to say time flies and it had not been to the doctor for a good checkup for nearly 5 years.  I do vacuum it regularly and oil it, but that really was no excuse, and the technition gave me a well deserved lecture.  My Bernina 750 needs to see him now too and fortunately that length of time has not gone by that long.

I got my February Sherri McConnell 2025 Block of the Month completed.  I am not sure I am into this project.  I may pass these two blocks on to a friend and let her deal with them.  

I did pull out this project that was started years ago.  I love the fabric choices but the blocks are really odd and they have sat in a drawer now for years.  However, I decided this past week to get them put together and off my TO DO SOMEDAY LIST.  

The twisted  block construction was odd to say the least.  They were a nightmare to sew together and whoever the poor quilter is that has to quilt them I feel sorry for.  I have it all bagged up and it is going to my charity group.  I plan to slip it into the completed quilt tops stack at our next meeting and hope no one knows it was me.

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Sunday, February 16, 2025


 This week after finishing my king size bedspread, shams, and deco pillows has me finally getting into tackling some projects that really need to be worked on.  

I have a quit top all started with these Eclectic Elements by Jim Holtz.  It is just needing borders on it to finish it up.  Hopefully I will have it finished and ready to post next week.  However I ended up with 12 extra blocks left over.  I made two of these table runners with them that are 27" by 18".  Seemed a shame to waste them.

My husband is my color expert so is my shopping sidekick.  He saw this fabric at Hobby Lobby and decided it would be a great choice for placemats at our diner table.  So that is a quick project to get going this week. One done and three to go.

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Sunday, February 9, 2025


 I finished the bedspread at last.  A done job.  Hope to get started on some new fun projects and I do have a couple that just need a bit here and there before going to the quilters.  

What an ordeal but so worth the effort.  Fits the bed perfectly and no need to use a bed ruffle any longer.  Will I ever do something like this again Well, probably NO!

I finished Acrobat.  There was a bit of a decision as to whether to use the block on the right side third row.  The stripes do not match.  Many of you bloggers commented and said to leave it in.  Once I also had a second one the right side top row block, I figure why not it is a bit off too.  They seem to fit right in with no real issues.  Nice to have it finished and off to my charity group to finish it.

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Sunday, February 2, 2025


A few weeks ago I got my bedspread, shams, and deco pillows back from the quilter.  I got the deco pillows finished with their envelope backs two weeks ago .

Then this past week finally managed to get both shams completed with their envelope backs as well.
I will admit I have been trying to avoid binding the quilt. So I decided with left over fabric to make some table runners for a small table in our bedroom's sitting room, and both night stands and the dresser top.
This is the one that is on the little table in our sitting room.  The others are similar just different sizes to match the night stands and dresser tops.
Well last week I finally had no choice but to work on binding the bedspread.  Binding a 100" by 120" quilt looked like a nightmare.  I moved my machine to the dining room table on Saturday morning and went for it.  I added to the difficulty by rounding the two bottom corners.  I was not going to use bias binding for the entire thing, so only cut two, 24 inches of bias binding and placed that around those two corners and then cut standard binding for the rest of it.  I just joined the bias binding sections to the straight cut binding as I sewed around on each side.  In the end it worked perfectly and was not as awful of a chore as I thought it would be.  Now to finish the binding by hand, a chore I do not mind doing at all.  I don't think I will ever do something like this again, but it really is beautiful and the colors perfect for our bedroom. 

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Sunday, January 26, 2025


 I survived the A/C/Heater replacement last week.  Glad that is finished.  Now time to get my bedspread, shams and a scrap quilt finished and start something new. 

I finished my scrap quilt and prepared a binding for it now it is off next month to the charity group for quilting and finishing up the binding process.

Several months ago I started this Acrobatic quilt and decided to play with the blocks a bit.  Not very happy with the one on the far right as the stripes cannot be matched so may toss that one and cut out a different background fabric.  It is to be a charity quilt as well, so have to think about it when all 9 are done and see where I go with that idea. 
Happened on to this block of the month startup and decided to take some of my small scrap fabrics and work on getting them into something fun.  These blocks are supposed to be 18.5" square when done.  I am keeping them at the 10.5" which will make a 36" by 48" quilt which I could add borders to make it a bit larger.  Will see how that goes as I move along through the year.  

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Sunday, January 19, 2025


 This past week I managed a good deal in the sewing room.  Our heater, AC unit, and ducting for them which is under the house had to be replaced.  We had 3 or 4 technicians for 3 days crawling around in the attic, under the house, and in the hall way closet from 8 until 4:30 and almost 5:30 one night.  With no heat and our temperatures in the high 40's or low 50's and only the two space heaters they provided it was pretty much the plan for us to stay locked up in the living room or the sewing room.  I select the sewing room for most of the days.  I got a good deal accomplished.  

I shopped a week or so ago to find some fabric to make a couple of winter table runners.  A comment from one of my bloggers about blue being a good winter color had me going through my stash and I found some really nice blue prints.  I had a couple of great patterns and whipped up these two in two of the days in lock up.
 Several months ago I embarked on making a new bedspread for our king size bed.  I was determined to do away with the dust ruffle on the bed, which required me to make the bedspread 100" by 120" rather than the normal king size I could have purchased.  I got the bedspread, pillow shams and these two decorative pillows on the 14th back from my quilter.  I started work on these two deco pillows.  Just needed to get the envelope backs on them.  I decided to start small and move on from there.   
I am using the fabric that I backed the quilt with.  So it is now on to the pillow shams.  Once I have the house all put back together I will bring my sewing machine out into the dining room and bind the quilt.  I am going to need lots of space to get that accomplished. 

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Sunday, January 12, 2025


I really have not done much of anything this week other than make zipper pouches.  Taking down Christmas and trying to get all that put away has taken up more time.  I did discover that while I have loads of wall hangings and table runners in spring, summer, and fall prints and colors winter themes are zero.  So why not take a bit of a trip to my local quilt stores.

So, time to make a couple of winter table runners.  I think this red print is my favorite.  I did realize that winter colors are not easy to find anything though.  Not much out there to work with.

Now these are not winter prints.  But I love this type of fabric and have often used this for backgrounds on some of my appliqué projects.  Not sure what I plan to do with these, but I do see a quilt in the future with them.  

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Sunday, January 5, 2025


 Time to roll into a new year.  This past week has been so nice and with all the craziness of Christmas over I could just relax and slowly get back to a normal schedule.  Sometimes though not sure there is such a thing as normal.  

Right after New Year's Day I decided to treat myself to some new fabric.  I have no idea what I plan to do with it, other than the top left fabric with the old pickups and the blue matching fabric.  My husband was shopping with me and liked it, so it will become some placemats for our table.  We use placemats for daily dining, I suspect others may end up getting used for that purpose too or a table runner for us or as gifts.  

I have three rows of my scrap quilt finished, and the final row ready to add.
The layout has become interesting.  I just had a picture of a block off Facebook, so no real idea how to lay it out and fabric scrap pieces were limited.   I am pleased with it.  It will probably go to my charity group with a prepared binding and they will quilt it and finish it off.  

Other than that just continuing to work on some zipper pouches for my guild's upcoming quilt show boutique.  The plan was to clean out my stash of zippers, which has not worked.  Once I started these pouches they have become a bit addictive and I have had to purchase zippers to match the scrap fabrics and left over mesh I had.  Thank goodness for Hobby Lobby's 99 cent zippers.

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