Friday, July 8, 2016


 Last weekend after a heavy work week I wandered into my sewing studio and notice a cobweb or two in the window.  I figured I would just vacuum them up and be done with it.  Well the wood blinds were pretty dusty, so I figured to wipe them down too.  One thing lead to another and a couple hours later I had complete cleaned the room top to bottom.  During this cleaning spree I unearthed this partially completed quilt top.
Several of the flowers were not appliquéd yet and some were not even pinned on.  The magazine with the pattern was in with all the cut out pieces, 2010.  It had been around for a while.  It seemed a good time to finish it.   Now to find a back and get it off to the quilter.  Yes, I finished something, well two things actually.  The studio is clean and the top is finished.  
I'm linking up with with this finish well overdue.


  1. always fun to see what you are up to!!

  2. I cannot work unless things are neat and clean. I love the quilt top. Are those Poppies?

  3. Very pretty flowers! This will be a pretty quilt!

  4. Your quilt is beautiful! Did you hand applique the flowers?

    You must be a speedy cleaner, have a small room, or an uncluttered room to finish in three hours. Wish I could do it so fast!

    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  5. Win, win, win! Some projects are like wine and need to age for a while. Of course, I have a few that would complete with Napoleon brandy, LOL! The quilt top is really pretty and looks very freshly made!

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    شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض
