This past weekend I dug up another old project and decided to get it completed. There is always a problem with coming back to an old project, especially this one. It does not have a pattern, I am simply making it from a picture I snagged off the Internet.
This is the first block of the top row of the quilt.
This is the center of the first row.
This is the end of the first row. All just perfectly done.
Well this should have been the beginning of the bottom row. Notice the unsewing!!!! I got it all completed, but it ended up being a good inch too narrow. That is what comes when a project is set aside and one does not pay careful attention to the instructions and in this case lack of good instructions. The white strips were suppose to be finished at 3 1/2 inches wide, well I cut them 3 1/2 inches. Yep, a good inch off. All is not completely lost. I have yards and yards of Kona Snow, so I'll just spend some time this coming weekend and get it back together correctly. Right now since this is still a project in progress I'll just link up.