Well this post should have been put up on the 21st, however we were in West Virginia and my lap locked me out of my blog. I could have fixed it but left my cell phone home and that was the contact for a code to get me back in. Have to fix this problem so next time we travel it does not happen again. Sometimes these electronic wonders are not so wonderful.
Not sure what got into me the week before we left. I have just started block #10 of my bird quilt and decided I needed to work on something a bit different along with it.
So I pulled out a pattern set of 12 and decided to work in a different fabric all together.
I started out using a new method to me, Floriani Fusible with turned edges. I worked with it a bit and found it was heavier than I like. Supposedly it softens with washing, but I wasn't so sure. So I scrapped that idea and went for the freezer paper method.
The freezer paper method was next, but was not sure I wanted to stick with that either. Turned edges are a pain, at least for me.
So finally I reverted to my old standard and went with raw edge fusible. It will go faster and this is not a project that I want to spend tons of time on.
I love these fun leaves.
So block one is done and it is on to the next one. However I still cannot figure out why I was not able to get every thing in on the background. I ended up having to leave off a set of leaves. They just did not fit in. If it keeps happening I will just reduce the sizes of my backgrounds. They are 20 inches, which I think is really bigger than needed anyway. Decided I didn't really need them anyway I think it is fine without them.
Looks like this is another project that requires digging into my scrap stash.
It seems I start a lot of stuff and the finishes are far and few between, but this past week I finished one complete quilt and the top on another.
The Hungry Caterpillar quilt is completely done and mailed off to Colorado this past week.
The sloth quilt top is finished and off to the quilter today.
Now I have helpers, well maybe they are just my obstacle course. For some reason they think nap time is right in the middle of the studio, which requires one to carefully step over them so as not to disturb their beauty rest.
Now this is what really occupies our time lately. Grandson Elijah #6 hight school football games.
And grandson Noah working as ball boy and water boy helping to support big brother at his games.
I had this top quilted a couple weeks ago that had sat around for some time in the closet. It had gone to one quilter that had to return it to me, as they were moving and selling her quilting business. I finally decided on another quilter to handle it.
It was a bit of a challenge, as I did not want the flowers quilted so it had to be quilted around each one. Not sure if the batting was a bit too puffy, it really is very thin cotton batting, or with all the appliqué it was not perfectly straight. Never the less we ran into this problem in just one area.
It had one pretty good wrinkle. My quilter was willing to fix it for me, but wanted me to see it first. I told him I could easily fix that and let me do that. So I unstitched the 3 inch area, and pinned it.
I basted the area down and matched thread and stitch length and sewed it with my regular sewing machine. Well that worked and with a quick press now I can't find it on the quilt anymore.
On to something fun. Making a baby quilt for a gal I worked with for a number of years. Her son and his wife are expecting a baby girl after the first of the year. I made a quilt for their first baby a couple years ago, for their baby boy. Sloths seems to be their theme choice. I must admit they are fun.
I reorganized my quilting studio a while back and organized all my fabric pieces a fat quarter or less into bins by color. Recently on Stitched in Color, Rachel blogged Back to Scraps on August 24th. For some silly reason it just caught my eye and I had to try it. Plus I now had the perfectly organized scrap stash to give it a go.
I am a ruler junkie, I can't resist them. I found this in my ruler bin.
And here they were included in the ruler package, perfect for the 4.5 unfinished block size.
A plus is that this works perfectly for using up a bunch of those 5 and 5.5 inch squares that I have collected over several years with no idea how to use them. I just cut them up into 4.5 inch squares.
There were lots and lots of them, and also plenty of scrap fabrics to cut more. This project is going to take a whole bunch of them.
Now I found that these little babies require a lot of time constructing. So I pin the curved pieces at night while watching TV with the husband and they are ready to sew the next day. Yes I do pin. I know that some people just pin in the center and go for it, but I just can't seem to get good results without lots of pins.
And here we go. One of many ready to sew into a complete block. I will need 224 of these little guys to make 56 blocks.
Number one done and a second one done too.
This one needs a bit more of a pressing. But I am on a roll.